Sunday, October 10, 2004

Just Keep Swimming!

I gotta keep looking on the brighter side of life. Keeping my head up and my nose to the grindstone. I can say that I am in an interesting spot, im in school where there is not a lot of queers around, and it is kinda upsetting to me but along with this I am realizing how great my friends are here. I have made some friends that i know will, if not already impact my life in so many ways. I can see my horizons be broadened. But other than that....its that time of the year that the leaves turn to gold and fall to the ground. It is so beautiful to see this transition. Im waiting to see how my transitions are going to pan out. Im thinking all is going to be okay! you cant just float on the sea of life with out having to deal with the ripples. but the ripples create character.

Thinking about raking a pile of leaves up and then jumping into them. (a kid at heart)


At 7:29 PM, Blogger Nerdygirl said...

We've a park, but unfortunately there's not many decideous trees in it...

At 11:11 AM, Blogger Meg said...

Well thats no fun. *tear*


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