out of boredom
While dinking around - I took a quiz Jenn took, I am the athletic girl hehe who would have guessed?! Well right now im really hot, sweaty and tired. I was playing b-ball in my gym class today and was taken out by a boy 3 times my size. my knees are killing me more so my right one. gimp along meg... i figure if this keeps up ill be broken by the end of the school year.
My thoughts and prays are going out to a friend of mine that recieved some news lastnight. I'm sorry for your loss, hun. You have a huge support system whether you know it or not. Hopefully you do see it. We love you and hate to see you upset or even hurting. It is apart of life that we go through losses like this, and in the end it will make us stronger, we may not like it but keep your head up and a box of kleenex near by. But through those rough and trying times, look around you do have us to comfort you. Thoughts, Prays, and Kleenex.
So how is everyone else surviving? How many of you are hating school? How many are you loving it? and why? well ill see you all in the funny pages... Love to all.
Law school sucks.. the workload is going to kill me.. the grading scale was invented by none other than the devil... and I have no time for myself. I LOVE IT (except for that last part).
URGH URGH HACK GRACK YUCK...oh sorry, just finished a few tests and had to get my head back on before I do the next battery...but next semester looks so cool...rock climbing and...FOCUS focus! m u s t f i n i s h semester...AUGH!
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